Assalamualaikum ,hai all! ya Allah lama betul rasanya tak updates blog ni. ish ish ,where have you been fana ????!!! oiiii rindu ? eleleleeeee~~ ye ye je :p haha. kay stop! :p eh i just got back from hostel heee , actually tetibe rasa nak update ni sebab dekat sekolah hari tu ada baca buku Nikma (classmate) ,dia tulis macam diary and she gave me to read YAY! ;D ehee. lol,then suddenly rasa eh rindunyaa nak update blog ;) heee. soo thats why lee. eh mata ni jgn ngada ngada mata ;D hihi. (nak tertidur sebanarnya). hmm ,i just want to express my feel. alololoo~ lamanya pendam ,eh. benda ni actually hari hari , me jelly. sekarang bila dekat sekolah tak macam masa form 1 dulu , everything has changed. ehee , dah matang kan , but satu je , i dont like it all of sudden change. ya maybe one time i hope it. but no longer now! admit that i really miss it , dia tak perasan ke ? dia dah berubah ,its good news but.... errgghh acano nak explain tah u___u at least sekali pun jadi lah , but ini langsung tak. ish please kenapa ego sangat huh! okay fana tahu korang mesti tak faham kan what i want to convey , biarlah.. biarlah post kali ni fana sahaja yang memahaminya. i'm ashamed to confess that i really miss it :( and i'm keep thinking , bila dah sampai masanya nanti does it still remembers me ? :/ hmmmm....... maybe not and maybe yess! i hope so , fana percayakan dia , and fana sentiasa berharap fana tak akan pernah kehilangan perbualan bersamanya. lol ,i very hope. but why ? ohh dont ask , thats nothing just i felt missing on it. thats it ,okay enough. maybe someday ia will notice me ;) eheeee. sorry people if you're really not understand what i meant. It is really dedicated for it :) kay , see you soon , have a nice days! bye <3 (sorry for my broken english :p ) haha.

Thanks for reading :)

Lot of Love by Fana :)